Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Painful Back....Meds, home remedies, what???

   The other day I pinched a nerve in my back and man did it hurt. To be quite honest I am not sure what I did. I noticed my lower back hurting, then after awhile my legs went numb!!! Not good for a busy mom with a husband that is gone frequently.
   What should I do? Currently, we do not have health insurance. I don't usually go to the doctor but once a year anyways. I almost always try to heal/help myself my educating myself on what the problem is. I decided that if after Friday, one week from the pain, it was still extremely painful I would pay to see a doctor. Tue I used a heating pad all day. Wen (today), I iced for 15 minutes, then heat pad for 15 minutes.  I did this for several hours. Then I read online to use honey and cinnamon as a rub. Well with the combination, I am now doing so much better. I also stretched and relaxed for the day.
   My point is, don't jump to see a doctor if it is something you can do! If you know you can fix it, then do it. By the time you drive to the doctors, get seen, get x-rayed, get a prescription if you get one, drive to the pharmacy then drive home, you could have already been feeling better.
I believe 100% in our doctor's and nurse's, that is why I think we, as people, need to open our eyes to what we can do! We need to educate ourselves, when to fix it ourselves, when to see a doctor, when to go an Emergency Room.
   I worked in the ER for some time and it drove most of us nuts when someone come in with a cough. I mean a basic cough, which it just started. I am not talking about asthmatics, elderly or other people with serious problems. Most of the time the doctor seen them, did a xray (to ease the patient) and sent them on their way. That is a big bill for not much of anything. When the person could have taken about 2 teaspoons of honey to help with the cough.
  Also, we as nation are becoming way to dependent on medication! We are destroying our livers and body's. There is so much information on the web to help you understand what is going on with your body. Then you can cross reference it to home remedies, and if it doesn't get better after a couple of days, or it becomes worse, then you see a doctor. But we need to let the doctors see the people who really need them. The seriously ill people, the dying, the elderly, not healthy person who has a simple cold. Know your body, know your symptoms and know home remedies.
For Symptoms here are a few sites:
Mayo Clinic
Web MD
Everyday Health
Healthy Children
Health Line
i Triage
Better Medicine
 There are so many more, but these are a few of my favorite ones.
For Remedies
Granny Med
Natural Home Remedies
Home Remedy Haven
Ayurvedic Cure
Peoples Pharmacy
Home Treatment
Speedy Remedies
And of course there are so many more.
I want to really stress the importance of knowing your body. Do things for yourself.
Try Acupuncturist, Chinese Doctors, and Church leaders.
On the other hand, if you really feel there is something wrong with you and your doctor does not do anything about it, search additional opinions.
Hope I have opened your eyes up. Know your body!!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Just a few samples and coupons

Hey everyone,
 I have more coupons and samples just click on the highlighted word!! Thanks and enjoy. 

Free Pair of Glasses just pay shipping enter code FIRSTPAIRFREE ends 4/27/12 
* I just ordered a pair of glasses that was $99.00 and paid only $7.90*
20% off and Free shipping at (Cheap Jewelry of my fave's) use code spg12
Free Card shipped. Use code Freetreat

I hope to have more soon!! Enjoy

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Save money on Food

Yes there are so many way to save on food, the list can go on and on. Coupons are a big one! One thing I don't like about coupons is that, most of them are for unnecessary, sugary, salty, unhealthy food items. Not all of them but most!! So what about people, like me that want to stay in a budget but cook, healthy food?! Well I have several way I save money. 
1. Plan. Yes, more time you don't have. I have found a great site that gives you recipes to the foods that are on sale at your grocery store. Its quite nice! In about 10 minutes or less you can have dinner plans for the week, have the grocery list and recipes printed out or sent to you. Nice!
2. Recycle Food. Not just eating or creating options with leftovers but actually growing your own! At this site I learned you can regrow your variety of onions and to make bean sprouts. 
3. Grow your own food! Its cheap to get herbs and grow them, instead of spending $2.00 every time you need a sprig of Rosemary. Decide what level of commitment  you have as well as the area you are going to plant, then make a list. Don't forget to find out what grows best in your area by going here! Try finding already grown plants on free-cycle, craigslist or family. See if your area has a community garden. If you start with seeds, be sure they are good ones!
4. Go early early!! Most grocery stores mark down things such as meat first thing in the morning. Last week I was able to get Organic Beef (variety of packages, I got about 8) from stew meat to steaks, all under $5.00 for a package! At the commissary I use to go to, they would mark down produce that was getting ready to go bad. I would get a bunch, prepare and freeze it! 
5. Get your bread items from a bakery outlet. In the area I live now, I don't have one, so I try to make my own as much as possible or go early for the fresh baked bread from Kroger that will be marked down.
6. Buy in bulk! Only get the stuff you use frequently and that can stay fresh. I get dry beans and rice in bulk.
7. Go to the Farmers Market. Not only are you helping local farmers, cutting down on greenhouse affects, but you can get great deals! Plus you can talk to the people who picked your food! You can ask all the important questions, such as pesticides, when was it picked and when is it at its best.  Also try, pick your own! I love to pick my own berries. In SC, the place we would go to, had a lot of pick your own with great prices. Plus it's fun!
8. When its on sale, stock up. For Ty's lunch, I always pack him Horizon Organic individual Milk boxes in his lunch. At Kroger they go for about $1.50 each, last week they were on sale for $1.00. I got about 4 weeks worth (20). Which cost me $20.00 instead of $30.00. 
9. Get frozen vegetable and fruits. They last have the same health benefits and cost efficient. We get several bags of frozen fruit and vegetables a month to make smoothies. They taste great! I always get the Organic, no sugar added for optimal quality. 
10. Don't buy everything Organic. As much as I love buying Organic foods, sometimes its hard when its twice the price. So know the dirty dozen and clean 15!! This will cut down cost!
11. Stay away for the stuff you don't need!! You don't need soda, cookies, cakes, basically unhealthy bad for you foods! Very rarely do you need junk food! Cut it down to, 1 dessert a week. This will trim your waistline as well as your grocery bill. 
12. Shop for one week at at time. This helps prevent spoilage and helps you stay focused. 
13. Go through your list at home, make sure you are not buying more than you need. If you only need one box of flour and have one at home, then don't buy it. 
14. Go buy yourself! More people usually means more food! Before you know it, everyone has thrown in a one or two items that is not on your list.
15. Don't go hungry!!  This seems pretty basic, but it will really affect your grocery bill. I know from experience!!
16. Get ONLY what is on your list....nothing more!!
17. Pay with cash. If you have cash you are more likely to pay attention to what is going in your basket. If you pay with card, you spend more.
18. Get a rewards card, if your store has one. Most places you can even scan your coupons on it!!!
19. Don't get something you don't need, just because you have a coupon! I get my list, get my coupons out, then I go shopping. If not, I start to look at all the "savings" I could be saving with my coupons...not really thinking I am spending more money, because I don't need it. 
20. Buy Name brand foods. I usually buy many items with Kroger's name on it.
21. Buy from the ethnic aisle. I always check the difference. Many times I find the sauces, spices and rice cheaper. 
22. Don't be fooled in the sales!!! If something is $5 for 5, look at other brands!! I was getting avacadoes last week, which was on sale for 10 for $10, but I started to look around and found avacadoes for 79cents each!
23. Hunt for your own food! Yes it can be expensive to get started, but once you have all the weapons, deer hunting can provide a great source of meat all year long if you freeze it. Fishing is real cheap and if you leave near the oceans you can get a lot of seafood! Ian use to catch crab all the time in SC. 
24. Find a few friends to buy a cow or pig with you. You can get great prices for great pieces of meat by doing this. Find a local farmer and find out what he charges for the cow then find a meat processing company and see what they charge. The farmer may do it or be able to recommend someone. 
25. Use Unit Prices instead of the whole price. You will be amazed at what is cheaper! Make sure you always have a calculator on you at the grocery store.
26. Make sure your dinners have a variety, so you don't get bored of the same ol' foods.
27. Once a week have breakfast for dinner!! Breakfast is usually cheaper than dinner. 
28. Once a week go vegetarian! Helps cut down on meat cost.
29. Make your own snacks! Its real easy and about half the price! Trail mix..variety of nuts and dried fruit, make homemade jerky, homemade fruit leather, energy bars, muffins, and much much more. 
30. Pack your lunch! I make Ty's lunch every night. When Ian goes to the fire house, I pack him a lunch and dinner. This may consist of leftovers or making a 2nd dinner. Which is nice, because the next night I don't have to cook. Then, I don't have to waste the gas to bring him food.
31. Have food stashed at work. When we go grocery shopping I ways make sure to buy an extra box of cereal, milk, peanut butter, popcorn and other items to keep at the fire house for Ian. This makes sure I don't have to drop something off and he doesn't order out. 
32. Make your own coffee and bring with you in a reusable cup. Every morning I get up and make Ian a coffee, even when he has to go to work. When he does, I pour it in this coffee mug. Get flavors, use milk, creamers and cocoa to make your favorite drink. It cost so much less then going to get a cup.
33. Have snacks and food prepared and available at all times. That way when you get the munchies, you have food. This helps cut down in fast food. 
34. Don't eat out!!! This is a hard one!!! But make a deal! If you don't eat out for a month, then on day 31 you can go to any restaurant you want, like the expensive seafood restaurant. Right now, Ian and I have decided to only go once a payday! So twice a month! Think of how fattening, high cholesterol, high sodium and high sugar filled most foods are from restaurants. They make them taste good, but not in a way I would in my house. You just never know what you are eating at a restaurant.
35. Carry snacks with your where ever you go. Dried fruit, muffin or jerky should stay in your purse or vehicle.
36. If you want an adult drink, make them yourself and buy at grocery/beverage stores. Gas stations hike up the prices! A 6 pack of beer or bottle of wine will cost  you way less if you buy it at the grocery store then a restaurant!
37. Pick fruit from wild bushes and trees. Down the street there is a bush full of blackberries that I have picked and next door to me (abandon house) there is a cumquat tree. Of course you want to make sure its not someone's property and be sure to properly clean the fruit before eating. Many people don't mind at all. 
38. Try places such Share or other community based discounted food programs.
39. Get a few friends together to swap meals once a week. This helps cut down on cost and cooking.
40. Stock up on Ketchup and other condiments from fast food restaurant. When Ian and I first got together we could not afford sour cream for my baked potato, so I went to Wendy's and asked for some. They gave it to me. Now a days most places charge, but ketchup is always free. Don't throw it away, just place in your fridge for the next time you need it. 

I hope this list helps everyone. Some may be new and others just a reminder. Food cost goes up every week, while most of us are still making the same money as we did last year. Live BELOW your means, so you have money for your savings account! I would love to hear all of your ideas and thoughts! Maybe you have a tip for me!

Here are a few websites with 1 bag for a weeks full of grocery's. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Here is a 0.75 cent coupon for Organic Vegetable from Earthbound. As well as a new site to get samples and free stuff!! Enjoy!

Time for God?

When was the last time you did something for God? Really? Sure we pray, go to church, do something good, but why? Is it because you are trying to be good, show off, get salvation, and the list can go on. Its hard in the world with our busy schedules, fast paced life and expected outcomes to sit down and do if for GOD! I know its hard. We are human. Thankfully we have a faithful, loving, caring, understanding Lord. Its not easy to take time for something else in our life. At the end of the day, I really just want to watch TV, let my mind go blank and relax.
I challenge you do start to do something for God. Get to know HIM. I am starting tonight! I know its not easy, I am not saying it will be. Giving up your time, but it is worth it. Once you start you will be thankful. But do it for HIM, not you, your kids, spouse, parents, friends or anyone else. Don't do it in front of people, but in your own time, just God and you. Regardless where its at, bathroom, while your doing laundry, dishes, feeding your baby, anytime and anywhere! Don't make excuses, just do it!
Need help or a starting point? Start inside your heart, ask the Lord of guidance. Then try the Bible! Need a little more help? Get a study guide or try an online website like YouVersion, they will send you a study that you pick out to your email or your phone. I look forward to seeing you all grow with God, regardless if you are finding God, know Him or close to Him, we need growth in the Lord.
Think of Luke 10:37-42.  Martha wants everything to be perfect, she cleans and cooks, while Mary is at the feet of Jesus. She is thinking, how can she be sitting there, while I do all the house work and prepare dinner. How many of you are like Martha? I know I tend to be, I want my house clean, food to be at the right time, and everything to be, well perfect. I need to be like Mary, at the feet of Jesus. Praying, talking, listening, preaching and doing what my Lord wants me to do. It's hard isn't it! Let us all try to be more like Mary.
Blessing to you all, in God's name! 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The best face scrub..and it's basically FREE!

Hi Everyone, 
 I have to tell you all about my new face scrub that I have been using!!! I LOVE it. I have been using it for 10 days and I see a difference! You can use it all over your body!! Rough hands, rough feet? I have horrible inherited rough feet, I used my scrub and they are becoming softer everyday. So what is my secret?? COFFEE!!! Yes, I said coffee. Weird, I know! Before I started it, I was unsure. After I brew my coffee in the morning, I just dump the grounds in a tupperware bowl. I put on the lid and place in my shower for easy access. is kind of messy. I have read other's put the coffee grounds in their face soap, but I only use soap every couple of days on my face. I have extremely sensitive skin. Here are a few more benefits
1. The smell can help you relax, works as an anti-depressant, and helps with nausea 
2. The skin will absorb the antioxidant and help reduce the free radicals, which will help with premature aging such as wrinkles and age spots. (I noticed a few age spots on my forehead, and have seriously noticed them vanishing..not overnight!!)
3. It removes residual dirt and dead skin to give you younger looking, fresh skin. Your skin will be able to absorb moisture more effectively as well! 
4. Helps reduce the appearance of cellulite when massaged in the body it helps to release toxins and fats held in the skin.
5.  It is a vasodilator which makes your blood vessel's tighten and firm, giving you tighter and firmer skin!! This will also help relieve irritation and redness to sensitive skin. 

There are hundreds of ways to make it your own! I personally love using only the grounds. Its easy, hassell free and cheap. To think I have been throwing away coffee grounds all these years. If you don't drink coffee, ask your local coffee shop, friends, family and church. I use Organic coffee! You can pay top dollar or nothing at all. 

Let me know what you think.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A few Health Related Coupons....

One thing I really want to focus on is keeping our bodies, minds and spirit healthy! I have a few free coupon's  and tons of samples. I tried to focus these on healthy, family oriented, natural samples and coupons. Let me know what other things you would like to see on here!
Iherb: $5.00 off of your first purchase plus free shipping.
         step 1: Click Here
         step 2: place your order
         step 3: put in your discount code ISI261
I love this site, I get a lot of products to make homemade soaps, cleaners, and organic foods for a great low price! Cheaper than the grocery store, plus they ship so fast. I usually get my products within 3 days.

Vistacost: $10.00 off your first order
              step 1: Click Here
              step 2: place your order
              No need for a discount code, link should take your discount off!
This is another site I love, very good prices as well. Free shipping with $49. or more, but it is slower shipping, usually about 5-7 days. The prices are comparable to iherb.

This is for family fun!! Free Redbox Rental!!!!!
              step 1: Click Here
              step 2: Rent your movie online and pick up at a Kiosk!

Free Samples:


Its been a long time......

Hi Everyone, 
 Wow it has been a long time since I have been able to sit down to blog. A lot has changed since the last time I was on here. We now live in Louisiana and Ian is finally a firefighter! 
  I am going to continue with Godly Living. I will be giving fun free stuff, coupons, recipes and healthy living in God's way and how to save money doing it!!! 
  There are several websites and blogs I follow on how to save money but one thing I feel that is missing is HEALTHY foods, organic products and health products! Sure I can get Oreo's for free, but my butt does not need Oreo's! I need healthy things!! 
I will be helping everyone know more how to get your wallet and bottom smaller, hopefully!! As well as not filling our house with cancer products. Most products on the shelf these days is nothing but cancer in a bottle. Let us look at what God has given us...Natural products! 

I hope you all will continue to follow and put in your input. I look forward to the following weeks!!