I challenge you do start to do something for God. Get to know HIM. I am starting tonight! I know its not easy, I am not saying it will be. Giving up your time, but it is worth it. Once you start you will be thankful. But do it for HIM, not you, your kids, spouse, parents, friends or anyone else. Don't do it in front of people, but in your own time, just God and you. Regardless where its at, bathroom, while your doing laundry, dishes, feeding your baby, anytime and anywhere! Don't make excuses, just do it!
Need help or a starting point? Start inside your heart, ask the Lord of guidance. Then try the Bible! Need a little more help? Get a study guide or try an online website like YouVersion, they will send you a study that you pick out to your email or your phone. I look forward to seeing you all grow with God, regardless if you are finding God, know Him or close to Him, we need growth in the Lord.
Think of Luke 10:37-42. Martha wants everything to be perfect, she cleans and cooks, while Mary is at the feet of Jesus. She is thinking, how can she be sitting there, while I do all the house work and prepare dinner. How many of you are like Martha? I know I tend to be, I want my house clean, food to be at the right time, and everything to be, well perfect. I need to be like Mary, at the feet of Jesus. Praying, talking, listening, preaching and doing what my Lord wants me to do. It's hard isn't it! Let us all try to be more like Mary.
Think of Luke 10:37-42. Martha wants everything to be perfect, she cleans and cooks, while Mary is at the feet of Jesus. She is thinking, how can she be sitting there, while I do all the house work and prepare dinner. How many of you are like Martha? I know I tend to be, I want my house clean, food to be at the right time, and everything to be, well perfect. I need to be like Mary, at the feet of Jesus. Praying, talking, listening, preaching and doing what my Lord wants me to do. It's hard isn't it! Let us all try to be more like Mary.
Blessing to you all, in God's name!
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