I would like to talk to everyone about reducing! As Americans it seems to be “successful” to have to have a lot. I am one that falls in this category. I don’t think I do it so much to be successful but because I think maybe one day I will need it. I have worked hard to reduce the things I no longer need.
But how does all this play in the environment…easy…if you buy less you throw away less.
Before I buy anything anymore I ask myself four things.
Do I really need this now?
How many times can I use it?
When I am done with it, what will happen to it?
Where was it made?
The first things I am sure you can figure out why I am asking myself this, but the fourth is because I try to buy all products made in America, I will get to that another day.
The best part about helping yourself reduce the products you buy is that your home won’t be filled to the rim with junk, you save money and you teach yourself about control.
I currently have a garage full of items that I have used once or maybe more but I no longer need them. I am going to be having a garage sale, and then I will donate what doesn’t sell. But they things that cannot go to either, that is trash, I will recycle.
If I would have practiced my new control questions, then I would not be losing money. If I am lucky I will get back 1/4th of which I paid for the items. I have two exercise equipments that I have never used! I work out but I don't use the items that I once thought were necessary to lose weight! I bought them new combined cost is over $400..I hope to get $100, but in reality I will most likely end up with $50 for both.
Help your kids with this as well. Every now and again I will go to a fast food restaurant, and I most likely will not buy the kids menu, because it comes with junk. However I love to buy off the kids menu because it helps with portion control for me. What to do about the toy that comes with it? If you anyone who is going to adopt or go to missions in other countries the kids there love the toys. It’s a great way to help without breaking your budget!
I always try to buy items such as oatmeal, nuts, and other stuff in bulk. It’s usually cheaper but the best part is you are cutting down on packaging.
I try to buy all my cereals in the bags because it again has less packaging. Remember the less packaging the less waste!!
A great place to go is the farmers market, they usually don’t have packaging, and you can always bring your own packing if you like. I have a tea guy I go to. He has great homemade teas in bins, I bring my own tea can with me for storage!
One way you can reduce your food waste is buy weekly what you need. If something is getting ready to go bad and you have no use of it, freeze it! I just recently froze celery. This will be great for soups and stews in the following fall months. Or you can also make your own compost!!
One place that I love for personal body care is Lush. They have very little packaging and if you live in the area where there is a store you can go there! If not they will ship. Just visit www.lush.com It is a worldwide store so be sure to choose the area you are in.
Reduce your mail!! Go here it cost $1.00 but it’s a great way to fight back! https://www.dmachoice.org/dma/member/home.action
Try not to buy Ziplocs bags, foil, and things like that. Buy reusable containers. If you buy plastic ones then be sure you can recycle them after they are worn out. I prefer to buy glass ones, they have a long shelf life, most of them can be put in the oven and microwave and I know if it breaks I can recycle it.
Use recyclable cotton rounds instead of buying cotton balls! You save a lot of money over time, plus you can find them for about .50 to 1.00 per round! You can even make them yourself.
Instead of having your bills mailed to you, get them emailed! Don’t buy newspapers, magazines and such, go online, they are usually free, plus you can also print off coupons online!
Don’t buy books, remember your local library and borrow them for free or borrow a friend’s book.
Reduce your electricity by know how it works. To keep your house cool in the summer then do laundry, dishes and other heavy electricity users at night when your house is cool. This helps everyone save money and help with shortages.
Try to hang up your clothes instead of using the dryer. Turn off all lights and appliances when you are not using them. USE GODS LIGHT!!! Unplug things that you can if they are not in use like coffee makers, toasters, computers, printers, etc.
Use the outside light, in the morning and late afternoon, but close all blinds when sun is at its hottest.
Time your showers and your family showers. Don’t take extremely hot showers, not only will it raise your bills but it’s bad for your skin and hair.
Reduce your water bill by washing dishes and clothes when you have a full load to go in.
Buy used items, this is a great way to save money, reduce packaging, and be able to recycle something instead of it going to the landfill.
There are a lot of ways to reduce waste and spending! I would love to hear your ideas!!
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